Kanzeon Kanji

延 命 十 句 観音 経
en mei ju ko kannon gyo
extend life ten phrase Kuanyin Sutra

觀 世 音
kan ze on
Kuan Shi Yin

南 無 佛
na mu butsu
Homage to the Buddha

與 佛 有 因
yo butsu u in
There is a cause connecting me to Buddha

與 佛 有 縁
yo butsu u en
There is a condition connecting me to Buddha

佛 法 僧 縁
bup po so en
I have karmic affinity with Buddha Dharma and Sanhga

常 樂 我 淨
jo raku ga jo
Eternity, Bliss, True Self, Purity

朝 念 觀 世 音
cho nen kan ze on
I call on Kuan Shi Yin in the morning

暮 念 觀 世 音
bo nen kan ze on
I call on Kuan Shi Yin in the evening

念 念 從 心 起
nen nen ju shin ki
This calling comes from the Mind

念 念 不 離 心
nen nen fu ri shin
This calling is not separate from the Mind

Here is a very interesting video in which Zen Master Sheng Yen talks about the Ten Phrase Avalokitesvara Sutra for Prolonging Life. Among other things, Master Sheng Yen recounts how he first encountered this chant in Japan and then decided to reintroduce it to Chinese Buddhists.

And here is another video in which Master Sheng Yen discusses the chant. In this video, Ms. Chen (who is interviewing Master Sheng Yen) demonstrates the Chinese pronunciation of the chant (at the 3 minutes and 15 seconds mark):

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