Sutras from the Ratnakuta

The excellent folks at 84000 have completed translations of 22 (out of 49) of the Sutras in the Ratnakuta. Here is the master page with a link to each of the completed translations, and a placeholder for the ones they are still working on: And here is a link to their overview page on […]

Evening Drum, Morning Bell (暮鼓晨鐘)

According to the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, this is a Chinese idiom “describing a strict daily routine. It derives from the playing of bells and drums within a Chinese Buddhist monastery to mark the services throughout the day and the articulations of the monastic routine.”

Ashvaghosha’s Sharing of Merit (from The Awakening of Faith)

我今已解釋, 甚深廣大義, 功德施群生, 令見真如法。 我 I 今 now 已 finished 解釋 discourse , 甚深 incredibly profound甚深 廣 wide, vast 大義 great significance , 功德 merit 施 spread 群生 all beings , 令見 let/make someone see 真 truth 如法 according to the dharma 。